Monday, August 29, 2016

Install OpenCV 3.x, Numpy and Matlplotlib for Python 3.x

All those computer vision enthusiasts [some turned out to be after they played around with Prisma filters for a while :) ], here is a short tutorial to download and get started with OpenCV , Python, Numpy and Matlpotlib to get you running.

---- How to Install Numpy in your PC ---
Go to : and download the required numpy wheel for the version if python
Open the directory where you downloaded the file, open Command prompt and migrate to that directory,  (make sure you have added
python to your path before proceeding to next command)
Type : python -m pip install <name_of_file.whl>
(This should install numpy to your PC! -- you will receive a succesfull installation message)
For further verification, open your Python IDE and type: import numpy as np (should have no error messages)

---- How to install Matplot lib ----
Go to: and download the required matlpotlib version for your installed python
Repeat the above steps like we did in Numpy installation.
For further verification, open your Python IDE and type: import matplotlib (should have no error messages)

-- Install OpenCV ---
Go to:
Repeat the same procedures again
To verify, type:

>>> import cv2
>>> print (cv2.__version__)

If the results are printed out without any errors, congratulations ! You have installed OpenCV-Python successfully.

Let me know in comment section below if you are running into any problem.
Share if it worked for you. Thanks